Category: Children, Youth, & Families , Girls & Women , Immigrant & Refugee Services , Veterans & Military Families , Health, Wellness, & Senior Services , Basic Needs, Food, & Housing , Legal Services & Justice Programs , Life Skills, Training, & Employment , Community & Civic Engagement

Access Youth
Washington, DC
Restorative justice programming to reduce truancy and suspensions.
Youth Education & Enrichment

Action Youth Media (formerly Gandhi Brigade)
Silver Spring, MD
Trains underserved youth to be leaders through media creation.
Youth & Community Arts

Alexandria, VA
Provides emergency food and financial assistance in Alexandria.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Amara Legal Center
Washington, DC
Supplies free legal services for domestic survivors of sex trafficking.
Legal Services & Justice Programs

An Open Book Foundation
Washington DC, DC
Connects authors and books with students to build equitable access.
Youth Education & Enrichment

Arlington Free Clinic
Arlington, VA
Provides exemplary, safety-net medical care for Arlingtonians in need.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

Art Enables
Washington, DC
Vocational program and art gallery for artists with disabilities.
Performing, Literary & Visual Arts

Arts for the Aging
Gaithersburg, MD
Helps seniors experience joy and healthy aging through multi-disciplinary arts experiences.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

Arts on the Block
Silver Spring, MD
Provides job training and community development through the arts and design.
Youth & Community Arts

Rockville, MD
Uses the performing arts to empower people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Performing, Literary & Visual Arts

Asian American LEAD
Washington, DC
After school and summer mentoring programs targeting low-income Asian American youth.
Youth Education & Enrichment

Washington, DC
Offers holistic services and support to asylum seekers.
Immigrant & Refugee Services

Washington, DC
Empowers young adults and the anti-poverty agencies at which they are placed.
Community & Civic Engagement

Washington, DC
Legal, social, and interpretation services for low-income immigrants.
Immigrant & Refugee Services

Beacon House
Washington, DC
Closing the academic achievement gap for youth in Ward 5.
Youth Education & Enrichment

Washington, DC
Offers long-term mentoring to those in child welfare system.
Mentorship & College Access

Brain Injury Services
Springfield, VA
Helps survivors of brain injury lead fulfilling lives.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

Fairfax, VA
Provides emergency and long-term services to help those in need in Fairfax County.
Life Skills, Training, & Employment

Washington, DC
Offers mentoring and training for youth with learning disabilities
Life skills, Training & Employment

Washington, DC
Entrepreneurship and college readiness program for students from under-resourced communities.
Youth Education & Enrichment

Capitol Hill Village
Washington, DC
Helps older adults age safely and comfortably in their own neighborhood.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

CaringMatters, Inc
Gaithersburg, MD
Companionship and practical help for end-of-life and support during grieving.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

Carpenter's Shelter
Alexandria, VA
Shelter and supportive services for homeless adults and families.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Christ House
Washington, DC
Provides medical respite care for people experiencing homelessness.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services
Communities in Schools of the Nation's Capital
Washington, DC
Surrounds students with support, empowering them to stay in school.
Youth Education & Enrichment
Community Forklift
Hyattsville, MD
Makes home repair affordable with saving waste and creating jobs.
Community & Civic Engagement
Computer CORE
Alexandria, VA
Provides low-income adults with technological and life skills for careers.
Life Skills, Training, & Employment

Court Watch Montgomery
Silver Spring, MD
Works to reduce domestic violence by expanding access to justice
Legal Services & Justice Programs

Critical Exposure
Washington, DC
Empowers low-income youth of color through photography and advocacy training.
Youth & Community Arts

Crossroads Community Food Network
Takoma Park, MD
Building a healthier, more inclusive, local food system.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Culmore Clinic
Falls Church, VA
Offers high-quality, compassionate healthcare to low-income adults.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

DC Affordable Law Firm
Washington, DC
Provides legal services for low and moderate income DC residents.
Legal Services & Justice Programs

DC Appleseed
Washington, DC
Advocates for systematic change in health, environmental, and education policy.
Legal Services & Justice Programs

DC Greens
Washington, DC
Advancing food justice in the nation's capital.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

DC Hunger Solutions
Washington, DC
Working to improve the nutrition of low-income District residents.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

DC Policy Center
Washington, DC
Researches and advances policies for a more vibrant and inclusive D.C.
Community & Civic Engagement

Washington, DC
Uses poetry, soccer and service learning to inspire youth in after-school programs.
Youth Education & Enrichment

DC Volunteer Lawyers Project
Washington, DC
Represents domestic violence survivors and at-risk children for free.
Legal Services & Justice Programs

Destiny, Power & Purpose
Temple Hills, MD
Assists returning citizens and substance abusers who need support.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Don Bosco Cristo Rey High School
Takoma Park, MD
Gives students professional experience while earning a college prep education.
Mentorship & College Access

Arlington, VA
Creating pathways out of homelessness, domestic violence and sexual assault.
Children, Youth & Families

English Empowerment Center (formerly Literacy Council of Northern Virginia)
Falls Church, VA
Empowers adults through English language training.
Adult Literacy & Learning

Fairfax, VA
Prevents homelessness, and re-houses those who have lost their homes.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Fair Chance
Washington, DC
Builds stronger nonprofits and leaders to accelerate social change for youth
Community & Civic Engagement

Fairfax Library Foundation
Fairfax, VA
Enhances Fairfax County Public Library programs and services.
Youth Education & Enrichment

Family & Youth Initiative
Washington, DC
Helps teens in foster care find family.
Children, Youth & Families

Food for Others
Fairfax, VA
Providing free food to neighbors in need in Northern Virginia.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing
Food Recovery Network
Washington , DC
Fights food waste and hunger by empowering student leaders.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Free Minds Book Club & Writing Workshop
Washington, DC
Inspires formerly incarcerated youth to pursue employment and education.
Legal Services & Justice Programs

Friendship Place
Washington, DC
Empowers people to leave homelessness and rebuild their lives.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Future Link
Rockville, MD
Launches bright futures through self-advocacy, academic support, workforce development.
Mentorship & College Access

GALA Hispanic Theatre
Washington, DC
Serves as DC's original stage for Latinos and youth.
Performing, Literary, & Visual Arts

Georgetown Ministry Center
Washington, DC
A service-rich day center for chronically homeless individuals.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Global Kids, Inc
Washington, DC
Global affairs and leadership development program for underserved youth.
Youth Education & Enrichment

Grassroots Health
Washington, DC
Training athletes to be health educators for teens.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

Great and Small
Boyds, MD
Equine-assisted activities and therapies for individuals with special needs.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

Hero Dogs, Inc.
Gaithersburg, MD
Raises, trains, and places service dogs free to disabled veterans
Veterans & Military Families

Falls Church, VA
Ensures that homelessness is part of a family's past
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Hope and a Home
Washington, DC
Empowering homeless/low-income families to create stable homes.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Hope Connections for Cancer Support
Bethesda, MD
Free cancer programs providing emotional support, education, wellness, and hope.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

Hope for Henry
Washington, DC
Reinventing the way hospitals care for seriously-ill children.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

Hope House DC
Washington, DC
Helping children and their incarcerated fathers build stronger bonds.
Children, Youth & Families

Horton's Kids
Washington, DC
Empowers at-risk children to succeed through comprehensive programs.
Youth Education & Enrichment

Housing Up
Washington , DC
Provides housing and services to homeless and at-risk families.
Children, Youth, & Families

Insight Memory Care Center
Fairfax, VA
Alzheimer's and dementia adult day health and education/resource center.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

Iona Senior Services
Washington, DC
Provides safety-net services for isolated, low-income elderly.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

Rockville, MD
Providing support, education, and prevention to end domestic/dating abuse.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Joseph's House
Washington, DC
Houses and cares for ill and dying homeless individuals.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

Jubilee Housing
Washington, DC
Providing affordable housing and programming to residents of Ward 1.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Jubilee Jobs
Washington, DC
Free job placement for individuals seeking marketplace jobs.
Life Skills, Training & Employment

Just Neighbors Ministry
Annandale, VA
Legal services for low-income immigrants in Northern Virginia.
Immigrant & Refugee Services

KEEN Greater DC
Bethesda, MD
Free, one-to-one exercise programs for young people with disabilities.
Children, Youth & Families

Kid Power, Inc
Washington, DC
Inspires youth leadership through academics, wellness, and civic engagement.
Youth Education & Enrichment

Kids In Need Distributors
Bethesda, MD
Distributes food for the weekend to local K-8 students.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

LearnServe International
Washington, DC
Empowers students with entrepreneurial leadership and confidence to transform communities.
Youth Education & Enrichment

Legal Aid Society of the District of Columbia
Washington, DC
General civil legal services for DC residents living in poverty.
Legal Services & Justice Programs

Legal Counsel for the Elderly
Washington, DC
Champions the dignity and rights of vulnerable DC seniors.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

Liberty's Promise
Alexandria, VA
Helps low-income, immigrant youth learn about American civic life.
Immigrant & Refugee Services

Life Asset
Washington, DC
Provides low-income entrepreneurs with business loans and training.
Life Skills, Training & Employment

Washington, DC
Empowering families to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty.
Children, Youth & Families

Little Lights Urban Ministries
Washington, DC
Offers holistic ministry and services to families in poverty.
Youth Education & Enrichment

Main Street Connect
Rockville, MD
Ensures adults of all abilities have affordable, inclusive housing.
Community & Civic Engagement

Manna Food Center
Silver Spring, MD
The main Food Bank serving Montgomery County.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Many Languages One Voice
Washington, DC
Advocates for immigrant and refugee rights in our region.
Immigrant & Refugee Services

Mary House
Washington, DC
Helps low-income and refugee families rebuild their lives.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Mercy Health Clinic
Gaithersburg, MD
Primary and specialty outpatient healthcare for the medically underserved.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

Mid-Atlantic Innocence Project
Washington, DC
Prevents and corrects the conviction of innocent people.
Legal Services & Justice Programs

Miriam's Kitchen
Washington, DC
Collaborates to end long-term homelessness in Washington.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Mobile Hope Association
Leesburg, VA
Improving the lives of precariously housed and homeless youth.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Rockville, MD
Primary healthcare for over 4,000 low-income individuals annually.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

My Sister's Place
Washington, DC
Provides shelter and services to victims of domestic violence.
Children, Youth & Families

NAMI Montgomery County
Rockville, MD
Educates, supports, and advocates for people living with mental illness
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

NAMI Prince George's County, MD
Largo, MD
Family-focused organization supporting people with mental illness.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

New Endeavors by Women
Washington, DC
Heals lives of homeless women and children by creating new futures.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Nick's Place
Beltsville, MD
Recovery home and life management programs for young men.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Washington, DC
Providing legal services to low-income DC residents.
Legal Services & Justice Programs

Northwest Neighbors Village
Washington , DC
Promotes positive aging in community with support of local volunteers.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

Nueva Vida
Alexandria, VA
Services throughout the cancer continuum for underserved Latinas.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

One Common Unity
Washington, DC
Empowering youth through the transformative power of the arts.
Youth Education & Enrichment

Only Make Believe
Washington, DC
Interactive theater for children in hospitals and care facilities.
Children, Youth & Families

Open Arms Housing
Washington, DC
Helping formerly homeless women obtain and maintain permanent housing.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Open City Advocates
Washington, DC
Supports youth in DC's juvenile system with legal advocacy and mentoring programs.
Legal Services & Justice Programs

Operation Renewed Hope Foundation
Alexandria, VA
Mobilizes Veterans to end Veteran homelessness.
Veterans & Military Families

Our Military Kids
Oakton, VA
Provides grants for extracurricular activities to children of service members.
Veterans & Military Families

Our Minds Matter
Arlington, VA
Suicide prevention resources and support for teens.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

Parkinson Foundation of the National Capital Area
Olney, MD
Programs and services for people facing Parkinson's.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

Passion for Learning
Silver Spring, MD
Helps disadvantaged students gain literacy, technology and college readiness skills.
Youth Education & Enrichment

Washington, DC
Empowers parent leaders to use their power and voice in education policy.
Youth Education & Enrichment

Phoenix Bikes
Arlington, VA
Teaches underserved teens bicycle repair through a community bike shop.
Youth Education & Enrichment

Posse DC
Washington, DC
College access and leadership program for high school students.
Mentorship & College Access

Prevention of Blindness Society of Metropolitan Washington
Washington, DC
Offers vision screening and blindness prevention services
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

Progressive Maryland
Largo, MD
Organizes communities and educates voters to act and get involved
Community & Civic Engagement

Protect Our Defenders
Alexandria, VA
Assistance and advocacy for victims of military sexual trauma.
Legal Services & Justice Programs

Rising for Justice
Washington, DC
Provides high-quality legal services for low-income Washingtonians.
Legal Services & Justice Programs

Rock Recovery
Arlington, VA
Unique and holistic eating disorder recovery services and community education.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services
San Miguel School
Washington, DC
Educates Latino boys and prepares them for high school success.
Youth Education & Enrichment

Seabury Resources for Aging
Washington, DC
Providing services and housing options for vulnerable older adults.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

Washington, DC
Empowers early-stage entrepreneurs to create social impact.
Community & Civic Engagement

Senior Services of Alexandria
Alexandria, VA
Fosters independence to enable Alexandria seniors to age in place.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

Shepherd's Center of Northern Virginia
Vienna, VA
Serves senior in the community through the power of volunteers
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

Silver Spring Village
Silver Spring, MD
Maximizes independence and reduces isolation among vulnerable senior citizens
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

Sitar Arts Center
Washington, DC
Advances critical life skills of underserved youth through arts education.
Youth & Community Arts

Smith Center for Healing and the Arts
Washington, DC
Community based health, education, and arts organization.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

Washington, DC
Empowers LGBTQ youth through leadership development and mentorship.
Children, Youth, & Families

Story Tapestries
Poolesville, MD
Using the arts to power literacy, create understanding, and building community.
Youth Education & Enrichment

Street Sense Media
Washington, DC
Creates economic empowerment and artistic expression opportunities for homeless individuals.
Life Skills, Training, & Employment

Stroke Comeback Center
Vienna, VA
Support programs for stroke and brain-trauma survivors.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

Sunflower Bakery
Rockville, MD
Skilled job training and employment for individuals with learning differences.
Life Skills, Training & Employment

Tahirih Justice Center
Falls Church, VA
Protecting immigrant women and girls fleeing gender-based violence.
Immigrant & Refugee Services

The DC LGBTQ+ Community Center
Washington, DC
Educates, empowers, celebrates, & connects LGBTQ residents
Community & Civic Engagement

The Father McKenna Center
Washington, DC
Provides guidance and basic human service to help rebuild lives.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

The Washington School for Girls
Washington, DC
Transforms lives of girls through tuition-free private education.
Youth Education & Enrichment

The Women's Center
Vienna, VA
Makes mental health counseling accessible to all.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

Together We Bake
Alexandria, VA
Job training and personal development program for women in need.
Life Skills, Training & Employment

Touching Heart
Oak Hill, VA
Provides children with tools to become the compassionate leaders of tomorrow.
Youth Education & Enrichment

Tracy's Kids
Bethesda, MD
Addresses emotional needs of children with cancer through art therapy.
Children, Youth & Families

Tzedek DC
Washington, DC
Safeguarding the rights of low-income DC families facing debt-related crises.
Legal Services & Justice Programs

Urban Ed
Washington, DC
Transforms lives by creating hope and opportunity through information technology and skill development.
Life Skills, Training & Employment

Voices for a Second Chance
Washington, DC
Serving justice-involved citizens pre- and post-release.
Community & Civic Engagement

Volunteer Fairfax
Fairfax, VA
Strengthens the Northern Virginia community through volunteerism.
Community & Civic Engagement

Wanda Alston Foundation
Washington, DC
Offers safe, welcoming shelter and support to homeless LGBTQ youth
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Washington English Center
Washington, DC
English classes and workforce development programs for adult immigrants.
Adult Literacy & Learning

Washington Literacy Center
Washington, DC
Literacy and workforce training for adults.
Adult Literacy & Learning

Washington Urban Debate League
Washington, DC
Providing after school debate in under-served communities.
Youth Education & Enrichment

Wendt Center for Loss and Healing
Washington, DC
Mental health services for victims of trauma, grief and loss.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

Wilderness Leadership & Learning
Washington, DC
Develops life skills for youth with experiential learning, leadership training, and service.
Youth Education & Enrichment

Woodley House
Washington, DC
Provides mental health housing and support services to adults with chronic and persistent mental illness.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

Silver Spring, MD
Supports lower income homeowners through access to low-cost home repairs.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing