Appreciated Securities

Donating appreciated securities can be a tax‐wise way to conduct your charitable giving. Charles Schwab handles gifts of stock for donors to Spur Local and our featured nonprofits. Here’s how it works:

Step One: Complete and SIGN the Letter of Authorization and send it to your broker.

Step Two: Email a copy of the Letter of Authorization to Once we receive the completed form, we will inform our broker that the transfer is on the way and will liquidate the securities once we receive them. IMPORTANT NOTE: unless we receive a copy of the completed form, we will be unable to identify you as the donor of the securities or provide you with a tax receipt for your donation.

Step Three: Once we liquidate the securities being donated, we will share with you the value of the net proceeds and distribute the funds according to your instructions. Please remember that stock prices can vary tremendously even in a single day, and certainly in the day or two that it takes to receive and sell your shares, so there is often a difference between the value on the day it was contributed and its value when liquidated. The liquidation amount may be lower, or higher, than when you made the transfer. The proceeds of the sale, after fees, are what will be distributed to us and/or our nonprofits.

Step Four: If needed, we will contact you to discuss distribution of your funds.

Spur Local charges no fee for this service, but our broker does charge a fee, which will be deducted from the total amount raised by the sale of securities.

Your contribution of stock to Spur Local is a charitable gift and is deductible (according to IRS tax laws) in the calendar year in which the donation is made. Please contact your tax advisor for more information.

Please feel free to call (202) 838-3015 or email us at with questions.