Monday, March 30, 2015
Adult Literacy Tutor Information Session
Classroom 2 Community (Formerly Literacy Council of Montgomery County)
The Literacy Council of Montgomery County will hold an information session for volunteers interested in helping adults learn to read, write, or speak English. Once volunteers have completed the information session, they can select a two-part training session that fits their schedules. No foreign language skills are necessary. Tutors work one-on-one or with small groups, and typically meet with students in libraries or community centers at mutually convenient times.

Event Information
- When: Monday, March 30, 2015 (7:30 PM - 9:00 PM)
- Where: Rockville Memorial Library, 21 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850 map
- Contact: Jennifer Redding, (301) 610-0030 ext 208
- For more information: click here