Today, let’s catch a glimpse into … LearnServe International. Empowering high-schoolers who have the motivation (but perhaps not the means) to make a difference, their Fellows Program guides students through the creation of their own “social venture.”
Scott Rechler, Director & CEO of LearnServe writes:
“What pisses you off?” we challenged our LearnServe Fellows in September. Without missing a beat, our nearly 60 students — selected from 30 high schools across the DC metro area — began sharing their concerns: homelessness, apathy, climate change, the foster care system, gaps in cross-cultural understanding. Then we flipped the question back on them: “What are you going to do about it?”
Between September and April, the LearnServe Fellows built business plans around their social venture ideas — tackling mission, vision, budgets, fundraising plans, even websites. On April 12, 2012 teams of LearnServe Fellows, and their peers from across the city, collectively pitched 45 new social venture ideas to panels of more than 150 business and community leaders who served as judges and reviewers. The most promising teams will receive up to $250 in matching seed grants to get their projects off the ground!
(1: Alison Steinbach from Sidwell Friends School presents her venture, DC-Kumasi: Global Reach; 2: Tenena Grymes and Niani Cunningham, from School Without Walls, with Nora van Trotsenburg from the Washington International School; 3: Jennifer Hightower, Cesar Chavez Public Charter School, gets ready to practice her venture pitch.)