Is a search engine a super crazy feature? Probably not. But we have 328 DC-area nonprofits on the Catalogue team, so we want to offer you some easy ways to find the ones that speak to you.
First, head to “Our Nonprofits;” then click “” on the lower left. That will take you to this screen:
Under “Quick Links” on the left side, we have some simple categories — so you can pull up a list of all Catalogue nonprofits that serve, say, youth ages 6-15 or that work in schools or that have an international focus. And with this handy link, you can find a list of all the Catalogue organizations that have their headquarters in your DC ward or your MD or VA county.
And under “Organization Search” on the right, you can do an even more detailed search, say, by Category or Location. And if you remember liking a particular nonprofit in the 2009 Catalogue, for example, you can search by “Catalogue Year.” I also quite enjoy searching by Zip Code, so you can see which Catalogue nonprofits are right around the corner!