SFC uses professional attire and workforce development to assist clients seeking financial security. It works with 100 partner organizations to arrange suiting appointments with women (some 1700 annually) facing high barriers to personal and professional success. In a one-hour, confidence-building session with stylists, they receive two fashionable, work-appropriate outfits – available for women whose preferences reflect a spectrum of gender identities – along with interview preparation and job coaching that ensures they are ready for their big interview. Additional outfits are added when clients secure employment. A professional readiness program provides workshops and an individualized coaching program emerges out of clients’ interests and needs: trained volunteers draw on personal experiences, skills, and networks to foster positive woman-to-woman relationships. SFC’s welcoming environment offers a respite from the challenges of gender, race, size, physical ability, income, and language that exist outside its walls.

Headquarters: DC-Ward 2

Where They Operate: DC-Citywide; MD-Montgomery County; MD-Prince George's County; VA-Arlington County; VA-Fairfax County; VA-City of Alexandria; VA-City of Fairfax; VA-City of Falls Church

Age Groups Served: Pre-teen/teen (12-17); Young adult (18-24); Adult (25-49); Seniors (50+)

Ethnic Groups Served: African American; Asian American; Caucasian; Latino/Hispanic; Other

Population(s) Served: Women/Girls

Awards & Recognition

Noel Soderberg Evans - Hope is a Woman award, 2006
Spirit of Giving Guide, 2005
Top 20 Charities, Washingtonian magazine, 2003


Budget (FY2023)

  • $3 million or higher
  • $1 million to $3 million
  • $500k to $1 million
  • The current budget for Suited for Change is: Less than $500k

Catalogue charities range in size from $100,000 to $3 million. This graphic indicates the budget range of the organization featured here. If you see an organizational budget above the $3 million mark, that is because the featured charity has grown in size since it first appeared in the Catalogue. We proudly present on our website the work of these "growth" charities.

About Spur Local

Every year, 190+ local nonprofits (with budgets under $4M) apply to join the Spur Local network. 170+ community volunteers assess these applications for impact. 100% of organizations are site visited and financially reviewed. Finally, 76+ critical, local nonprofits are selected for inclusion in Spur Local's annual print and digital catalog, and enter a four-year partnership with us. Since 2003, we have raised over $65 million for nonprofits across the Greater Washington region. We charge no fees and raise funds separately to support our work.

Spur Local looks to friends like you to keep our services independent and entirely free of charge. Consider a small contribution to Spur Local to cap off your gift and help the causes you care about get the full support they deserve!

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